Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 3

During the spring semester of 2021, I had the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant for Prof. Ali Rezakhani’s graduate course in statistical mechanics. I am excited to share the problem sets that I published during that time. They may be useful as a study resource for students interested in the subject. Please keep in mind that the course content and material may have been updated since then.

Problem Set No.FileTopics
Set 1PDFClassical Thermodynamics: Entropy of Mixing, Photon Gas Carnot Cycle, Maximum Entropy Principle; Ensemble Theory: Classical Harmonic Oscillator, Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, Curie Susceptibility, Equipartition, Helmholtz Extensiveness.
Set 2PDFDensity Operator: The Schmidt Decomposition, Thermal Radiation, Equivalence of Entropies, Spin 1/2 Particle
Set 3PDFStochastic Processes: Rabbit Evolution, Knight’s Tour, Colored Balls, Transition Matrix, Random Walk, Birth and Death Processes, LGKS Equation
Set 4PDFStochastic Processes: Fokker-Planck Equation, Random Walk and Diffusion Equation, Kramers-Moyal Equation, Backward Kramers-Moyal Equation, Pawula Theorem; Kinetic Theory: One-Dimensional Gas, Evolution of Entropy, Vlasov Equation, Two-Component Plasma
Set 5PDFStochastic Processes: Generalized Langevin Equation; The Partition Function: Boltzmann Distribution, Ideal Bose Gas, The Lee-Yang Theorem in Electrostatics, Grand Partition Function